Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Portrait Process

Man, I haven't updated in so long! I've been super busy with contract work lately but as soon as I'm allowed I'll be able to post everything I'm actually getting paid for. Fortunately, I've had time for personal painting as well so I've focused on portraits.

Besides quick exercises to express emotion in faces I've been experimenting in different ways of painting in PS. This portrait was done entirely in grays at first and then overlaid with color. I used a variety of layer filters to achieve the color I needed as well as just layering detail upon the original image.


  1. I was just coming here to yell at you for never updating. I was pleasantly surprised!

    Also you need to teach me how to do this. I can't get my values anywhere near correct unless I use black and white. Whenever I try adding color to it I always get a ton of mud. Use your powers to fly from Australia and into my room right now young man. Also those glasses are making me swoon.

  2. Hey Nathan,

    some awesome stuff on here man. I really like seeing your muck around sketches as well as the painting skills.

    Hopefully catch u at life drawing next week.
