Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Figure Drawings!

So I've been slacking on figure drawing lately and when I did it last night it definitely shows. I did a 3 hour session at a gallery in the city and it was soooo refreshing. I want to do it at least once a week (maybe twice) depending on how much cash I have.

At first I used my usual techniques for going for proportions and correct shadowing but after a great conversation with another artist there I worked on blind contour lines and emphasizing only certain parts of the form. I'm going out to buy some figure drawing books so I can improve as quickly as possible.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Present Colored WIP I think I'm satisfied with the front figure but I'm still not sure how I feel about the back. I want to keep it muted but I keep changing my mind. I'll just come back to it later when I have time so my mind is fresh.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Birthday Present WIP

So I'm doing a painting as a present for a friend of mine. It shows her in the foreground with her partner in the background. They're both pretty into Star Wars so I figured it was appropriate. I'll hopefully have time tomorrow to get the color in and then have it printed.